Ohio Cobra Club

The winner of the 2024 London Cobra Show Sweepstakes is Mace B from Mooresville, IN.

Cobra Club Logo


Ohio Cobra Club

In 2001, a small group of fun loving and benevolent car enthusiasts, each with a cult-like passion for the Shelby Cobra, and a desire to help sick kids, joined together to form the Ohio Cobra Club (OCC).

CFF.ORGThe purpose of the club is to promulgate admiration for the Shelby Cobra sportscars, regardless of manufacturer or type; to support the City of London with the London Cobra Show, and to support and raise money for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In an effort to assist with the CFF fundraising part of the mission, in 2006, the club attained 501(c)(3) non-profit status from the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) as a nonprofit charitable organization – EIN #20-2462827. The club is also registered with the State of Ohio as The Ohio Cobra Club, Inc.

About the club

Throughout the year the club organizes social events such as club meetings, parties, dinners, cruises through various scenic areas in Ohio, as well as helping other club members with their Cobras.

Each year, the club sponsors the London Cobra Show, where a beautiful Cobra replica is given away as a sweepstakes grand prize as the club's main CFF fundraiser. Sweepstakes chances are $20 each and can be purchased by club members at various area car shows and events. The net proceeds from the London Cobra Show and are always donated to the CFF for research into finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.

London Cobra Show

London Cobra Show WebsiteThe club has hosted the London Cobra Show since 2005. Although the show itself is called the London Cobra Show, or simply LCS, most of the events take place in and around Columbus, Ohio due to lack of lodging needs in London. The show is always held in June, following the week of Father's Day, and spans the entire weekend. The main portion of the show takes place Saturday on London's Main Street.

LCS is a combination car show, social event, and charity sweepstakes fundraiser. Show attendees and visitors have the opportunity to view hundreds of beautifully crafted Cobras, speak with their owners, purchase T-shirts, memorabilia, Cobra sweepstakes tickets, as well as visit with the many vendors that will be displaying their products at the show.

The yearly donation to CFF is presented to representatives of the Foundation, and the winning sweepstakes ticket, that fulfills one lucky person's dream, is drawn each year at the LCS Saturday evening dinner.

Over the years, the London Cobra Show has allowed the Ohio Cobra Club to donate over $2,595,000 to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

If you love Cobras and want to help individuals that suffer from cystic fibrosis, join the Ohio Cobra Club today by clicking HERE.

Club News

OCC After the Holidays Party!

Come join the fun at the OCC After the Holidays Party, January 18th, 2025 starting at 5:00 pm.

Fall Cruise!

Small but powerful group for the first Fall Cruise starting outside Lancaster.

August 24th Newsletter

3 items of interest for the Ohio Cobra Club. First!) LABOR DAY WEEKEND COOKOUT, not on Monday! Second!) 2025 Membership drive is starting. Third!) Consider becoming a more active member and volunteer

Annual Ohio Cobra Club Meeting June 1, 2024

Annual Ohio Cobra Club Meeting - June 1, 2024 10:30 am - Cappy's Pizza - 225 Lafayette Street London, OH 43140 - 740-852-3984

Thanks to the following supporters:

  • Henry's Hot Rods
    World class builder of Factory Five kits.
  • Breeze Automotive
    Leader in offering a broad range of parts, innovative products, EzePaks, and experienced technical support for the Factory Five Racing Roadster or Coupe.
  • The Dreamcar Company
    We make your dreams a reality in the form of Highest-Quality-Dreams-Come-True via our products and services.
  • Old Car Raffle
    Charity car raffle management system.
    Strategically located between Columbus and Springfield, and offers tremendous opportunities for commercial development.