Ohio Cobra Club

The winner of the 2024 London Cobra Show Sweepstakes is Mace B from Mooresville, IN.

2025 LCS Sweepstakes Grand Prize - Winning ticket to be drawn on June 21, 2025


Stay up-to-date on the latest Ohio Cobra Club news and more!

Cobra Show

OCC After the Holidays Party!

Please join us for an evening of fun and festive fellowship on January 18th, 2025, at the Hickory House, 550 Officenter Place, Gahanna, OH 43230. The fun begins at 5:00 p.m. There will be a cash bar cocktail hour, and a short “State of the Club” business meeting around 5:30 p.m. At 6:15 p.m. we will enjoy a buffet dinner of the famous BBQ ribs, roast beef w/au jus and grilled salmon w/lemon butter. Sides will be green beans and herb roasted redskin potatoes. Salad, bread & butter, iced tea, coffee and dessert are included. A White Elephant Gift Exchange ($20) after dinner is optional. Cost: $50 per person. Space is limited. Email Gordon by December 31, 2024 with credit card for reservations at cobra@insight.rr.com.

Come join the fun at the OCC After the Holidays Party, January 18th, 2025 starting at 5:00 pm.

Cobra Show

Fall Cruise!

On October 26th, a handful of Ohio Cobra Club members met at Doug Funkhouser’s house for a quick chat and a few laughs. They cruised to Logan Ohio on a beautiful sunny day with lots of fall foliage. Lunch was a lively discussion about Cobra power plants and different kits/models. After lunch, a nice cruise around Lake Logan. The Ohio Cobra Club plans on having regular cruises for the club starting next year so stay tuned!

Small but powerful group for the first Fall Cruise starting outside Lancaster.

Cobra Show

August 24th Newsletter

3 items of interest for the Ohio Cobra Club


Date of Cookout: SUNDAY, September 1, 2024 2:00PM-7:00PM
We will have coolers to keep things cold and power for anyone bringing a crock pot.

Please bring a side, desert, appetizer, or supplies (Napkins, cups, Ice)
My marinated Flank Steak, Burgers, Nathans Hot Dogs.
Bring your own Beer or other adult beverage (I will have a few big coolers)
Rain or Shine
Please txt me with what you are bringing at 614-288-0669, If I don’t have your number in my phone please send a txt first before you call with any questions so I know it is not a spam call.

What we will need:
Bottled Water
Hamburger buns
Hot dog buns
Side dishes
Potato Salad, Cole slaw, macaroni salad etc…

If you would like anything grilled (I,e, chicken or other that I am not providing this can be arranged)

David E. Pohli
87 Heath Lane
New Holland, Ohio 43145
Cell: 614-288-0669

2025 Membership drive is starting.
Please go to the Ohio Cobra Club website under membership and sign up.
Paid members have voting rights & will be listed on the OCC website. Please note: list is not up to date, as of this date.

Consider becoming a more active member and volunteer; the campaign to rebuilt and continue the
London Cobra Show beyond 2025 is underway.
Contact: Dave Semko:

Respectfully and thank you!!
Pam Beck, VP OCC/LCS

3 items of interest for the Ohio Cobra Club. First!) LABOR DAY WEEKEND COOKOUT, not on Monday! Second!) 2025 Membership drive is starting. Third!) Consider becoming a more active member and volunteer

Cobra Show

Annual Ohio Cobra Club Meeting June 1, 2024

Annual Ohio Cobra Club Meeting

June 1, 2024

10:30 am

Cappy's Pizza

225 Lafayette Street

London, OH 43140


We will have an update of the club, election of six board members, updates on the 2024 London Cobra Show and volunteer opportunities. Followed with lunch and fellowship.

If you have any questions please contact us at info@ohiocobraclub.com.

Annual Ohio Cobra Club Meeting - June 1, 2024 10:30 am - Cappy's Pizza - 225 Lafayette Street London, OH 43140 - 740-852-3984


In remembrance of the late Nick Zeyen, club members are invited to an OPEN HOUSE/BBQ on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm, at 894 Kenwyn Court, Columbus, OH.

If you would like to join other club members in attending together, please meet at 4:00 pm in the Lennox Parking lot by the movie theater at 4:00 pm. The Cobras will caravan then over to the OPEN HOUSE/BBQ. If you plan on being part of the Cobra caravan, please RSVP to 1-614-270-2200.

There will be Cobra parking in the driveway and court.  All other cars should see the parking instructions below.

Adam Zeyen


In remembrance of the late Nick Zeyen, club members are invited to an OPEN HOUSE/BBQ on Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm, at 894 Kenwyn Court, Columbus, OH.


This past Saturday evening the Ohio Cobra Club, a 501(c)(3) a nonprofit charitable organization, donated $225,000 to the Cystic Fibrosis Research as a result of the club’s 2022 London Cobra Show and Raffle. Over the years a total donation of $2,025,000 has been donated to CFF. The photograph below shows Cystic Fibrosis employees (L to R) Fran Kaya, Leslie Lucas, and Cara Pick accepting the club’s 2022 donation check. The donations are always directed to research into finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.

A big THANK YOU to everyone that participated in the 2022, as well as past London Cobra Shows and Raffles. Your help in supporting our cause has had a profound and direct affect in improving the lives of those that suffer with CF. Perhaps 2022 will be the year CF means CURE FOUND.

Posted June 26, 2022

This past Saturday evening the Ohio Cobra Club, a 501(c)(3) a nonprofit charitable organization, donated $225,000 to the Cystic Fibrosis Research as a result of the club’s 2022 London Cobra Show and Raffle. Over the years a total donation of $2,025,000 has been donated to CFF. The photograph below shows Cystic Fibrosis employees (L to R) Fran Kaya, Leslie Lucas, and Cara Pick accepting the club’s 2022 donation check. The donations are always directed to research into finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.


Yesterday was one of the very happiest days of my life! Many of you know and have supported my daughter Jenny as she has grown up in the FFR community and has fought against Cystic Fibrosis all her life. Yesterday, her mom Denise and I watched as she graduated from NC State University, magna cum laude with a Major in Communications!

I was fighting back tears as I waved to her from our seats in the PNC Arena as she and 6,100 of her fellow WolfPack students awaited commencement and were eager to start exciting new chapters in their lives! 

I found myself wishing I could go back in time a few decades to a particularly difficult Christmas spent at Children's Hospital with Jenny. That year it was a two-week hospital stay and our young family spent both Christmas and New Year's with Jenny quite sick. 

What I would tell myself 20 years ago! I'd tell myself not to worry so much... that God has a plan for her, and also that there is an army of people, many of whom you haven't even met yet, who will have your back, lift you up, and help your daughter fight this illness as though she were their own. 

So many of you have helped Jenny over the years! When she was barely able to walk, we went on our first CF Fundraiser walk and I remember my lawyer Randy Weeks (who personally managed the Shelby litigation and wins) coming along and he went every year! FFR customers rallied for a chocolate chip cookie contest to benefit Team Jenny and the CF Foundation, that event grew to the largest Cobra cruise-in in the country and the Ohio Cobra Club has raised almost 2 million dollars!  

From fundraisers over the years to personal notes and acts of generosity and kindness, Jenny always has had Hot Rodder Guardian Angels. When she started at NC State, Jeff Collins from Whitby gave her his personal cell and said, "if you need anything, we got your back and are minutes away". Jeff did one of the very first fundraisers with his FFR Mid-Atlantic customers at his shop when Jenny was only 3 years old!

So, to all of you, my friends. To all of you who have donated time or money to the CF Foundation. Yesterday, you were there with us as we watched Jenny graduate on a beautiful late spring day in North Carolina. She is healthy and strong thanks to breakthrough medicines that were developed with the money that so many of you raised! Jenny has been the recipient of so much love and support from the Factory Five Community and so many wonderful people. 

On behalf of Denise and I and our immediate family, I want to say thank you! Days don’t get any better and a dad cannot be more grateful. 

Dave Smith

Jenny's Dad and Owner of Factory Five Racing

Yesterday was one of the very happiest days of my life! Many of you know and have supported my daughter Jenny as she has grown up in the FFR community and has fought against Cystic Fibrosis all her life. Yesterday, her mom Denise and I watched as she graduated from NC State University, magna cum laude with a Major in Communications!


During 1963, when Carroll Shelby and his team first began racing Cobras, none of the Cobras had stripes. The fact that many 1965 and later Cobras have stripes, is actually due to two individuals Briggs Cunningham and Peter Brock. So, the question is - why did the Cobras get their racing stripes? 

One can trace automotive racing stripes back to a young Cincinnatian, Briggs Swift Cunningham II, who would eventually become a millionaire entrepreneur, race car driver and owner/builder. Cunningham developed his lifelong love for automobile racing at a young age, as he often went with, and watched as his uncle street raced his Dodge touring car.  

Cunningham’s early love of auto racing later developed into a long career of manufacturing and racing sports cars of his own design. Cunningham, who is said to have pioneered road racing in the States, would build a reputation for winning races at various road courses. After World War II, Cunningham’s love for sports car racing led him to establish the Sports Car Club of America, better known today as the SCCA.

During the early days of road racing, most of the sports cars were roadsters, and they all tended to look very similar to each other. This posed a problem for race officials, as well as spectators, in trying to accurately distinguish individual cars during a race. To aid in identifying individual race cars and teams, the various sanctioning bodies that eventually would become today’s Federation Internationale del'Automobile (FIA) stipulated that all race cars were to be painted a distinctive color based on the nationality of the car owner. 

To meet the paint color regulation, the British race teams chose to use green, the Belgian teams went with yellow, the French teams chose blue, and the Germans selected silver, while the Italian teams decided on red. When American race teams began racing their sports cars internationally, they chose to paint their sports cars white, while the exposed frames were painted blue.

Cunningham had a dream of winning the most prestigious sports car race in the world, the 24 Heures du Mans. In 1950 he entered a pair of Cadillacs, both of which failed to finish the 24-hour race. As Cunningham was partial to the white and blue color combination that had been chosen for the American teams, he decided to paint his race cars white, with blue stripes running up the hood, over the top and down the rear deck. Cunningham’s blue with white stripes race cars became instantly recognizable, and the blue stripes soon became known as Cunningham stripes. Later the stripes would be called Le Mans stripes, rally stripes or just racing stripes. 

During the mid-1950’s while Cunningham was racing, Peter Brock was attending high school as a student. Most of Peters high school friends tended to follow hot rods, or were involved in the drag racing scene. However, Peter was more interested in road racing. Brock owned a customized 1946 Ford convertible, that was powered by a Cadillac V8, backed by a LaSalle 3-speed transmission. Soon after he obtained the Ford convertible, Brock painted the Ford white with a pair of blue, Cunningham-style racing stripes. As time went on, Brock acquired other cars, which he also painted white with blue stripes. This color scheme soon became his trademark. 

Brock, became Carroll Shelby's first paid employee during 1961, and he later would become responsible for design at Shelby America. In his design position, Brock was responsible for the appearance of the Shelby American’s Mustang GT350 race cars. Since he was a road racing, as well as a Briggs Cunningham fan, Brock outfitted Shelby’s GT350 team cars with the white and blue stripe styling that everyone recognizes today as a Shelby GT350. In addition, Shelby’s 1964 Daytona Coupes were painted Viking Blue with white stripes. 

For the 1965 racing season the Shelby American race cars, including the 427 Cobra, were painted Guardsman Blue with white Le Mans stripes. This color combination today is considered by many to be the most iconic look for Shelby’s race cars.

So, one must thank both Briggs Cunningham and Peter Brock for Cobras having the twin Cunningham stripes.

To purchase your very own chance to win a Cobra replica, painted in a beautiful Ruby red with Black magic side and body stripes scheme, please go HERE.

Posted May 5, 2022

During 1963, when Carroll Shelby and his team first began racing Cobras, none of the Cobras had stripes. The fact that many 1965 and later Cobras have stripes, is actually due to two individuals Briggs Cunningham and Peter Brock. So, the question is - why did the Cobras get their racing stripes?


One of our Ohio Cobra Club members found an interesting article concerning the very first production Cobra – CSX 2001. They suggested that it be shared on the club’s website for viewing by others.

This first production Cobra is presently owned by Bruce Meyer, one of the founders of the Peterson Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA.  The Peterson Museum is one of the world's largest automotive museums. From time to time, Cobra Number CSX 2001 can be found on display at the museum.

In 2014, London Cobra Show attendee Erik Treves, of Owens Cross Roads, AL, build a very accurate replica of the CSX 2001 Cobra, which was displayed in Factory Five Racing’s booth at SEMA 2014. 

If you are interested in reading some history of the first production Cobra, please go HERE.

Posted May 3, 2022

One of our Ohio Cobra Club members found an interesting article concerning the very first production Cobra – CSX 2001. They suggested that it be shared on the club’s website for viewing by others.


Does your Cobra replica have record setting miles on it’s odometer? Probably not, since London Cobra Show attendee Ralph Button and his Factory Five Racing MK1 Cobra is believed to hold the record having traveled over 615,215 miles. 

Ralph started his long distance mileage record setting Cobra travels during September of 1998. For many years, Ralph daily drove his Cobra around the United States, including several coast to coast ventures, not only for his work, but for pleasure as well. 

An  example, on a Friday during 2005, Ralph left Little Rock, Arkansas, and drove to Charlotte, North Carolina for a Saturday Cobra event at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Then, on Sunday, he returned to Little Rock. This thee day trip added approximately 1,600 miles to his record setting mileage.

Several years later, while getting ready to attend the 2018 London Cobra Show, Ralph hit a deer with his Cobra, and had to miss that years LCS. Thankfully the Cobra survived the deer hit, with only damage to the driver’s side fender. Later, Ralph and his granddaughter were able to use red duct tape as fender stripes and were able to temporarily repair the fender. With the temporary fender repairs working to hold the body together, Ralph and his granddaughter were able attend the 2019 LCS in the Cobra. 

Over the years, Ralph’s Cobra has gone through several seats, engines, transmissions, clutches, door hinges, rear end clutch packs, and an unknown number of tires, and at least five windshields. 

Ralph decided his early FFR Mk1 Cobra was badly in need of a complete makeover, and took advantage during the Covid-19 epidemic to redo his Cobra. The makeover included a new FFR Mk3 body. Students in the body shop of the Coopers Plains campus of the Greater Southern Tier Board of Cooperative Educational Services, generally known as GST BOCES, completed the makeover with an amazing new paint job.

Pictured below is Ralph, his granddaughter in the MK1 bodied FFR Cobra in 2019, and Ralph and his son in the newly restored and beautiful FFR MK3 rebodied Cobra in 2021. 

Posted April 26, 2022 

Photos courtesy of Roy L. Edgar.

Does your Cobra replica have record setting miles on it’s odometer? Probably not, since London Cobra Show attendee Ralph Button and his Factory Five Racing MK1 Cobra is believed to hold the record having traveled over 615,215 miles.

Update on Jenny Smith – CF Fighter

Many of you have been a part of my daughter Jenny's life from when she was a little girl to now. Today, Jenny is a senior at NC State University and she graduates in May! She is winning her fight against Cystic Fibrosis and so many of you have helped with fundraising over all these years. I have no words to ever express the gratitude to so many of you who have donated money, time, ideas and effort for Jenny and other kids with CF. 

Jenny is my all-American girl! She is doing well, healthy, and here is a cool photo of her shooting a .30-06 rifle at the local range, having fun at 22 years old! When she was born the average life expectancy of a kid with CF was 21. She is crushing it!!

Dave Smith

Jenny's Dad

Owner of Factory Five Racing

Many of you have been a part of my daughter Jenny's life from when she was a little girl to now. Today, Jenny is a senior at NC State University and she graduates in May! She is winning her fight against Cystic Fibrosis and so many of you have helped with fundraising over all these years. I have no words to ever express the gratitude to so many of you who have donated money, time, ideas and effort for Jenny and other kids with CF.

Nick Zeyen Passing

It is with great sadness to share with club members that Nick Zeyen passed away on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.


Nick was a Past Ohio Cobra Club President, spending many years on the OCC Board of Directors.  He was instrumental in making the London Cobra Show a true success; he continued to volunteer at the LCS for many years.


Nick will be greatly missed by all.


RIP Nick.

It is with great sadness to share with club members that Nick Zeyen passed away on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.

CFF Donation

The 2020 London Cobra Show raffle allowed your club to make a $267,000 donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

The 2020 London Cobra Show raffle allowed your club to make a $267,000 donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Virtual Great Strides Walk and Celebration of the CF Foundation’s 65th Anniversary

Like most organizations, we are having to make changes in our usual business practices in order to keep everyone safe and do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  If you receive CF Foundation emails, you may have seen we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel or postpone in-person events through the end of June, but we are finding new ways to come together. We hope the other members of the Ohio Cobra Club will save the date for a national, virtual Great Strides walk and celebration of the CF Foundation’s 65th anniversary on Friday, June 5. We are not only celebrating with elements of Great Strides but we're celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the CF Foundation.

You may participate in the virtual Great Strides walk by:

Riding your bike - Maybe even start a dance party with your family at home. We know this is a hard time for families across the U.S. and globe, but you can do something to help others while staying safe. 

Recruit - You can recruit family members to participate in a virtual event with you as a member of your team.  

Show Others You Care - Share how you’re participating by posting a selfie on Facebook, 

Twitter and Instagram. Make sure to tag the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (@CF_Foundation) 

and use the hashtag #GreatStrides to keep the energy and momentum going strong! 

We hope you can join us. While we won’t be together in person, we can be together in spirit—showing the strength of our community and passion to find a cure for all people living with cystic fibrosis.

The dedicated support of the Cobra Club gives us confidence as we stay on course to achieve our mission.

Fran Kaya

Senior Director of Individual Giving

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Posted 4/8/2020

Like most organizations, we are having to make changes in our usual business practices in order to keep everyone safe and do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If you receive CF Foundation emails, you may have seen we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel or postpone in-person events through the end of June, but we are finding new ways to come together. We hope the other members of the Ohio Cobra Club will save the date for a national, virtual Great Strides walk and celebration of the CF Foundation’s 65th anniversary on Friday, June 5. We are not only celebrating with elements of Great Strides but we're celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the CF Foundation.

Ohio HB 39

On January 28th, club members George Daulton and Roy Edgar attended the House Transportation and Public Safety committee meeting on HB 39 - Establish Requirements for Titling/Use of Replica Motor Vehicles. George was able to testify in support of this bill which will allow individuals to title a replica in the year it most closely resembles. 

As it stands now, if this bill becomes law, as it is presently written, you will have to have historic tags and be limited to where you can drive a vehicle. However, if you do not desire to have your Cobra replica titled with the year it replicates, you will still be able to title it under the self-assembled vehicle laws existing at the time of inspection.

HB 39 requires replicas to have the same safety and emissions items that were required on the year the Cobra most closely replicates. This is not a perfect bill, however, it will be an avenue that will allow us to have and drive our Cobras in the event that future laws are passed that put stronger emission and safety equipment requirements on replicas that are titled with the year in which they are submitted for inspection.      

On January 28th, club members George Daulton and Roy Edgar attended the House Transportation and Public Safety committee meeting on HB 39 - Establish Requirements for Titling/Use of Replica Motor Vehicles. George was able to testify in support of this bill which will allow individuals to title a replica in the year it most closely resembles.


Recently, a large number of “old” Cobra photographs were uploaded to the Facebook page of Gt350lady. If you would like to view them, please here.. You can look around THE Facebook posts and see a tremendous amount of photographs on Cobras and Shelby.

Posted 11/15/19

Recently, a large number of “old” Cobra photographs were uploaded to the Facebook page of Gt350lady. If you would like to view them, please HERE. You can look around THE Facebook posts and see a tremendous amount of photographs on Cobras and Shelby.


As mentioned previously, please use AmazonSmile when ordering from Amazon as it is the same Amazon you know and use – the same products, the same prices, and the same service –  only you financially help your club. When you use AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Ohio Cobra Club AT NO COST TO YOU.

Please shop at smile.amazon.com using the unique Ohio Cobra Club’s AmazonSmile login location located here.

More good news! AmazonSmile is now available in the Amazon Shopping App to all AmazonSmile customers using supported Android devices. You can use the below copy and instructions to share the news with your supporters! 

As an AmazonSmile customer, you can now support the Ohio Cobra Club in the Amazon shopping app on your Android device! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations. 

Download the latest version of the Amazon Shopping App, then open the App on your Android device.

View Settings and select AmazonSmile.

Follow the In-App instructions to complete the process. 

Currently, AmazonSmile app is not available for iOS users.  

Posted 9/23/19

As mentioned previously, please use AmazonSmile when ordering from Amazon as it is the same Amazon you know and use – the same products, the same prices, and the same service – only you financially help your club. When you use AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Ohio Cobra Club AT NO COST TO YOU.


DigitalFusion Creative Technologies, Inc. is proud to introduce the Dave Friedman Archive. Digital Fusion has built an incredible website showcasing Dave Friedman’s original photography taken during his time working for Carroll Shelby during the 1960s. The archive features a curated selection of framed images for sale, as well as news and behind-the-scenes interviews.


To go to the Dave Friedman Archive, click here.


Greg Dyro and Jon Moeller along with Dave Friedman, Carroll Shelby’s photographer, attended the 2019 London Cobra Show where Dave was the dinner speaker. At dinner, DigitalFusion donated a framed Dave Friedman print that was auctioned off at the club’s Saturday evening dinner to raise additional money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.


Dave exhibited select images from his archive at LCS.

Posted 7/24/19

DigitalFusion Creative Technologies, Inc. is proud to introduce the Dave Friedman Archive. Digital Fusion has built an incredible website showcasing Dave Friedman’s original photography taken during his time working for Carroll Shelby during the 1960s. The archive features a curated selection of framed images for sale, as well as news and behind-the-scenes interviews.

Thank You from Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Dear All,

 Congratulations on another successful London Cobra Show!  On behalf of everyone at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, it is my pleasure to thank you for your generous support and for being a part of our CF community.  The Ohio Cobra Club is truly helping us make enormous progress in fighting this terrible disease, and it was a pleasure to share the latest CF research update with you and your wonderful audience.  It was a special experience for me to stand on your stage and share the recent advancements with all of the people you have engaged in our mission -- I could see the care and concern in their eyes, and many of them stopped me after the event to tell me how much it means to them to support our important work. 

 Thank you again for all you do.  We are extraordinarily grateful to all of you!

 Best regards,


Fran Miller Kaya

Senior Director of Individual Giving

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

4550 Montgomery Ave., Suite 1100N

Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 907-2521 direct line

Congratulations on another successful London Cobra Show! On behalf of everyone at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, it is my pleasure to thank you for your generous support and for being a part of our CF community. The Ohio Cobra Club is truly helping us make enormous progress in fighting this terrible disease, and it was a pleasure to share the latest CF research update with you and your wonderful audience. It was a special experience for me to stand on your stage and share the recent advancements with all of the people you have engaged in our mission -- I could see the care and concern in their eyes, and many of them stopped me after the event to tell me how much it means to them to support our important work.


On May 30, 2019, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that it plans to submit a new drug application to the FDA for VX-445 (elexacaftor) plus tezacaftor/ivacaftor (Symdeko®) in the third quarter of this year. If approved, the triple combination could eventually expand therapies that treat the underlying cause of CF to more than 90 percent of people with the disease.

The selection of a triple-combination therapy is a potentially transformative moment for the CF community and gives further momentum to our efforts to find effective treatments for all people living with cystic fibrosis. You can read more about this exciting development on cff.org. 

Published May 30, 2019

On May 30, 2019, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that it plans to submit a new drug application to the FDA for VX-445 (elexacaftor) plus tezacaftor/ivacaftor (Symdeko®) in the third quarter of this year. If approved, the triple combination could eventually expand therapies that treat the underlying cause of CF to more than 90 percent of people with the disease.


We are proud to announce that Emily recently graduated with Honors from the University of Dayton. Emily is the CF Fighter that we have watched grow up over the years, as she pulls the winning raffle ticket at our LCS Saturday evening dinners.

Emily is an example of how our efforts to raise money for cystic fibrosis research has worked to help those individuals, like Emily, that suffers from CF.

 Congratulations Emily – the Ohio Cobra Club is proud of you!

Published May 14, 2019

We are proud to announce that Emily recently graduated with Honors from the University of Dayton. Emily is the CF Fighter that we have watched grow up over the years, as she pulls the winning raffle ticket at our LCS Saturday evening dinners.


Please read Matt Hennessey's comments below and learn how Orkambi has improved his life.

"We find ourselves at an incredibly exciting time in the CF community. We are moving the ball forward in any number of ways. Progress is happening. We are on the inexorable march toward a cure. 

 The most inspiring aspect of this progress is that I can feel it in my everyday life. Before introducing Orkambi -- a first of its kind drug that partially corrects the underlying causes of CF -- into my treatment routine, I would be sick every other month or so, meaning heavy-duty antibiotics, increased chest therapy, and symptoms normally associated with the flu (cough, fever, fatigue, etc.). In the four years post-Orkambi, I’ve been prescribed additional antibiotics only a handful of times, and my lung function has remained remarkably stable.

The following anecdote encapsulates this point. In 2016, I moved to Washington, D.C. from Columbus, OH for a new job (I'm back in Ohio now). One of my first tasks, obviously, was identifying a new doctor. So, I go to the Children’s Hospital in northwest Washington, and the doctor performs his examination and runs all of the various tests. At the conclusion, he stops, looks at me, and matter-of-factly states, “Mr. Hennessey, you’re really quite healthy.” 

And that’s the bottom line here, right? I’m quite healthy. It speaks to the promise of Orkambi and other drugs like it—that they can deliver genuine results that tangibly improve my quality of life. And, God willing, Orkambi is only the first rung of the ladder to an ultimate cure. Onward."

Matt Hennessey

NOTE: When the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was established in 1955 people born with cystic fibrosis had a bleak future and often did not live long enough to start kindergarten. Due to the foundation's encouragement and funding of pharmaceutical companies to invest in CF-specific research, the CF medicines Kalydeco, Orkambi and Symdeko have been developed. Today, due to the advancement in these medicines, treatment, and care, more than half of the people with CF are 18 or older,  and like Matt, attend college, get married, and start families.

The London Cobra Show’s donations are always donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and designated for research. The show's past donations have aided the Foundation in developing Kalydeco, Orkambi, and Symdeko.


Please read Matt Hennessey's comments below and learn how Orkambi has improved his life. "We find ourselves at an incredibly exciting time in the CF community. We are moving the ball forward in any number of ways. Progress is happening. We are on the inexorable march toward a cure.


This is exciting news  - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday, February 12, 2018, approved a new treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF). This new medicine will be available under the brand name Symdeko. 

The approval of Symdeko now offers more individuals that suffer from cystic fibrosis an important new treatment option and is a significant milestone in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s research to find a treatment for every person with CF. All three cystic fibrosis medicines, Kalydeco, Orkambi and now Symdeko, address the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis, rather than just symptoms. 

Everyone that has purchased raffle tickets or participated in any of our London Cobra Shows should take personal pride in the dramatic health improvement of those individuals that are now being helped by these three CF medicines. 

Our 2018 donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation again will be designated for research into developing additional medicines for CF. Approximately 60% of the individuals that have CF may now benefit from Kalydeco, Orkambi or Symdeko. Hopefully one day soon, other medicines will be developed that allow everyone with CF to say - “I used to have CF.” 

Thank you for your raffle ticket purchases and helping to make a difference and bringing hope to all people living with cystic fibrosis. 

Please purchase your 2018 raffle tickets and maybe this year's LCS donation will help pay for the research needed to cover the remaining 40% of individuals that suffer from CF.

For additional information on cystic fibrosis, please go to cff.org

This is exciting news - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday, February 12, 2018, approved a new treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF). This new medicine will be available under the brand name Symdeko.

how everyone's hard work for the lcs is helping

A little over two years ago Orkambi, the CF wonder-drug we’ve all heard so much about, was released into the open market. I started taking the medication not too long after the fact, and its effect on me has been nothing short of staggering. 

Prior to Orkambi my own health was constantly in flux. My teenage years were pockmarked with many long and difficult hospitalizations, and I struggled as my own lung function and well-being slowly declined. Life before Orkambi was defined by a horrible, omnipresent fear of my next hospitalization. It’s hard to imagine living a normal life when you’re saddled with that kind of fear, but thankfully I had an incredible support system to get me through those tough times. My parents, Karen and Daren, supported me in all aspects of life, whether it was getting me through long weeks in the hospital, helping me organize homework drop-offs with my school, or just trusting me to take charge of my own health. 

When I went on Orkambi two years ago I wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. The medication provided a shocking amount of relief. I went from getting seriously sick every six months, like clockwork, to only getting mildly sick about once a year. Now, as I write this in January of 2018, it has been over three years since I was admitted to the hospital.

The fear that I had been saddled with for so long, that unnerving, always-present fear of going back into the hospital, it has since faded into the background. Orkambi didn’t miraculously fix every aspect of my life; I still catch a nasty cough every once and a while, and I still worry about my life going on pause to accommodate a hospital visit, but I now enjoy a peace of mind that I previously could never have dreamed of. 

I live an amazing life. I have a wonderful, beautiful fiancee that I will be marrying in May of this year, I have a career (something many with CF do not get to have), and I am surrounded by many wonderful friends and family who have helped me on this journey. 

The life I live is possible because organizations like the London Cobra Show continue to work tireless to fundraise and spread awareness about Cystic Fibrosis. Fundraising has an honest, real benefit to the people living with this disease, and I sincerely thank you for your time, effort, and money that has been spent on this wonderful cause.

Alec Marshall

A little over two years ago Orkambi, the CF wonder-drug we’ve all heard so much about, was released into the open market. I started taking the medication not too long after the fact, and its effect on me has been nothing short of staggering.

Thank your from marc ginsky

George and the Entire Ohio Cobra Club:

I am so sorry that I was unable to meet all of you last summer. Thank you so much for all you have done to improve the lives of people with CF. You really have made a difference. Hope that all of you enjoy Thanksgivings filled with joy and laughter.

Until its done.  

Mark Ginsky

Executive Vice President and COO 

George and the Entire Ohio Cobra Club:

Cobra sports-car enthusiasts help cystic-fibrosis patients

Members of the Ohio Cobra Club take personal pride in the dramatic improvement in the health of Hilliard resident Emily Kerr.

With the success of that little girl, we feel like we did something — like we actually contributed,” said Nick Zeyen, 65, a club member and North Side resident.

What the club of Cobra sports-car enthusiasts has done is raise more than $1 million for research to combat cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that seriously challenged Kerr until 2012 — when, at age 15, she began taking the newly approved Kalydeco.

The drug virtually stopped the progression of the disease — which causes mucus buildup in the lungs and digestive system — and allowed Kerr to become much more active.

The youngest of Bruce and Lynn Kerr’s three children is a cheerleader at the University of Dayton (where she is a rising junior, majoring in early-childhood education) and last year went on a mission trip to the southern African country of Zambia.

It has basically reversed everything for me,” said Kerr, 20. “Their work has literally changed the future. ... It’s amazing. It’s something you can’t explain.”

Most of the money donated by the club is raised through a year-round sale of raffle tickets ($20 apiece) for the chance to win a new Cobra at the annual London (Ohio) Cobra Show, which this year will take place on Saturday.

The club grew out of an informal gathering of Cobra enthusiasts in 1999 in London, where a former member owned a shop that produced make-your-own Cobra kits.

Cobras, originally produced on a limited basis in the 1960s, were known for their extreme power in a small, light sports car. The cars are no longer in production, but several companies sell kits, or partial cars, that enthusiasts can finish on their own.

It has basically reversed everything for me,” said Kerr, 20. “Their work has literally changed the future. ... It’s amazing. It’s something you can’t explain.”

Most of the money donated by the club is raised through a year-round sale of raffle tickets ($20 apiece) for the chance to win a new Cobra at the annual London (Ohio) Cobra Show, which this year will take place on Saturday.

The club grew out of an informal gathering of Cobra enthusiasts in 1999 in London, where a former member owned a shop that produced make-your-own Cobra kits.

Cobras, originally produced on a limited basis in the 1960s, were known for their extreme power in a small, light sports car. The cars are no longer in production, but several companies sell kits, or partial cars, that enthusiasts can finish on their own.

I'm not going to say it’s a cult, but if you have the bug, you have the bug,” Zeyen said. “It’s my ‘happy’ car.”

The show expanded quickly, drawing thousands of people and hundreds of Cobras.

Seeing an opportunity to raise money for charity, the club members chose cystic fibrosis as a beneficiary because Dave Smith, owner of one of the major kit-making companies, had a daughter with the disease.

Each year, club members use part of the raffle proceeds to buy a Cobra kit, which they use to build the giveaway car. (Kits start at about $25,000 and can run up to $100,000, members say.)

Emily’s ties to the club date from 2004, when she was a sickly 7-year-old and the group was presenting its first check to the central Ohio chapter of the CF Foundation. The club had reached out to the chapter seeking a Columbus-area family to participate in the show. Emily drew the winning ticket — an honor she continues to perform.

Leslie Lucas, executive director of the CF Foundation’s central Ohio chapter, said the Ohio Cobra Club is one of just two donors that has topped $1 million in contributions to the chapter (the other is the Hennessey family of Upper Arlington).

The club reached the milestone after the 2015 show and is now at $1.125 million — money designated specifically for research.

They’ve really made a huge impact,” Lucas said. “They’re a special group, for sure.”

Brian Freer, a Powell resident and the club vice president, said seeing Emily Kerr’s improvement has motivated members to continue their fundraising efforts.

It has been a labor of love,” Freer said.

Bruce Kerr said he has been “overwhelmed” by the club’s devotion to the disease in general and his daughter in particular. Members treat her like family, he said, having sent stuffed animals to her when she was younger and in the hospital, and always greeting her with hugs and well-wishes.

It would take a lot of fundraising walks and an enormous amount of bake sales to raise a million dollars,” Mr. Kerr said. “From a dad’s perspective, I give thanks every single day that these men and women do what they do.

I’m eternally grateful.”

By: Ken Gordon



Above was taken for the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch Newspaper – June 20, 2017

Emily Kerr with Ohio Cobra Club members, from left: Roy L. Edgar, Mark G. McKimmins, Dave Beck, George Daulton, Brian Freer and Mark Braden

Photograph by Fred Squillante/Dispatch

Members of the Ohio Cobra Club take personal pride in the dramatic improvement in the health of Hilliard resident Emily Kerr. “With the success of that little girl, we feel like we did something — like we actually contributed,” said Nick Zeyen, 65, a club member and North Side resident.

Thanks to the following supporters:

  • Henry's Hot Rods
    World class builder of Factory Five kits.
  • Breeze Automotive
    Leader in offering a broad range of parts, innovative products, EzePaks, and experienced technical support for the Factory Five Racing Roadster or Coupe.
  • The Dreamcar Company
    We make your dreams a reality in the form of Highest-Quality-Dreams-Come-True via our products and services.
  • Old Car Raffle
    Charity car raffle management system.
    Strategically located between Columbus and Springfield, and offers tremendous opportunities for commercial development.